Focusing in detail the suffering Christ had to endured before the inevitable death. Providing brief flashbacks on some of the famous passages in his life story. If you are aware Jesus Christ or a firm believer the film will pull your heart strings. Limiting more than just its audience it also limits the meaning of the message meant to get across. Without providing context the film exploits the prolonged torture inflicted on Christ with no emotional attachment made for the uninformed or non believers. Christ is not written as a character or as a man, but rather represented as an object of extreme physical suffering and one with a messiah complex. Since it tells you nothing about Christ or his teachings interpretation of a man's passion towards love his fellow men comes across differently. It's biggest drawback is assuming everyone will know about Jesus Christ before viewing the film. Characterization, pretext, metaphors, and his teachings are thrown out in favor to get across Christ suffered (quite allot) for our sins. If you're seeking to learn about Jesus Christ, evaluate his teachings, analyze deep characters, and find meaning in the symbolic man that is Jesus Christ this is the wrong film for you.

The Passion of the Christ is about the final hours of Jesus Christ life. Never will it attempt to convert non believers to accept it views, but neither will the film reach them the same way as those who follow the word of Christ. This film success relies on its viewer position on Jesus Christ in order for it to succeed. It could start off as a friendly discussion, but can quickly turn ugly due to where you stand on the subject. Discussing religion is in the same vein as discussing politics for me.